basic arithmetic : + ,- ,* ,/
power : ^
floor division : //
approx division : ///
modulus : %
--> [arithmetic expression may include parenthesis follows BODMAS rule]
variables : SYNTAX ------ for assignment: 1] va identifier_name = value 2] directly writing identifier_name = value
for access:
1] directly writing identifier_name
-> identifier_name for declaring should not contain :
"capital letters"
"special symbols"
"blank spaces"
"built- in keywards"
"'_' (underscore) as starting letter"
-> '_' (underscore) can be added in_between
constants : SYNTAX ------ for assignment 1] co identifier_name = value
for access:
1] directly writing identifier_name
-> identifier_name should not contain :
"small letters"
"special symbols"
"blank spaces"
"'_' (underscore) as starting letter"
-> '_' (underscore) can be added in_between
--> multiple assignment can be done in same statement expression/assignment_1 ; expression/assignment_1; expression/assignment_1;
comparision : SYNTAX ------- > : greater than < : less than >= : greater than <= : less than == : is equal != : is not equal
result of / LHS and RHS side must be a int/floating point number
logical : SYNTAX or - or opereator ad - and operator nt - not operator - urinary operator ex: NT 1 results in 0
result of / LHS and RHS side must be a int/floating point number
if-tn statement: SYNTAX ------ for single line expression: if expression tn expression
for multi-line expression:
if expression tn; expr_1 ; expr_2 ; expr 3 ;..............;end
--> here, expr_1,expr_2...... may once again include "if statement"
i.e nested if
--> Constant assignment is only once, changing constant value gives
--> while writing program in file, ';' or writing in next line is acceptable
/////////////////////////////////6///////////////////////////////////////////// if-tn-el statements: SYNTAX ------ for single line expression: if expression tn expression el expression
for multi-line expression:
if expression tn; expr_1 ; expr_2 ;...; el; expr_1 ; expr_2 ;...;end
--> while writing program in file, ';' or writing in next line is acceptable
--> here, expr_1,expr_2...... may once again include any nested condinational
--> while writing program in file, ';' or writing in next line is acceptable
for loop syntax: syntax: single line: fr variable_name = start_value to end_value sp step_value tn expression
fr variable_name = start_value to end_value sp step_value tn;exp1;exp2;exp3;end
--> sp is optional, default sp = 1
--> end_value is included
--> example: res = 0
fr i = 1 to 5 tn res = res + i
above example results in 15.
--> SP can be negative too
example: res = 0
fr i = 5 to 1 sp -1 tn res = res + i
above example too results in 15.
--> If SP is used in wrong sence as like shown below,
res = 0
fr i = 5 to 1 sp 1 tn res = res + i
above example results in res = 0 itself and [] will be returned.
--> Even the floating point values can be used in loop
example: res = 0
fr a = 2.3 to 7.2 sp 1.2 tn res = res + a
above example results in res = 23.5
It's because
value of a (at each step) end_value
2.3 <= 7.2 TRUE
2.3 + 1.2 = 3.5 <= 7.2 TRUE
3.5 + 1.2 = 4.7 <= 7.2 TRUE
4.7 + 1.2 = 5.9 <= 7.2 TRUE
5.9 + 1.2 = 7.1 <= 7.2 TRUE
7.1 + 1.2 = 8.3 <= 7.2 FALSE
so the res = 2.3 + 3.5 + 4.7 + 5.9 + 7.1 = 23.5
--> Ex: multi-line:
fr a=1 to 10 sp 3 tn;b=b+a;c=c+a+2;end
--> while writing program in file, ';' or writing in next line is acceptable
while loop syntax ------ for single line expression: wl expression tn expression
--> Example:
wl a<10 tn a=a+1
will returns a=10
--> a = 20
wl a<20 tn a=a+1
above example return [] empty list.
for multi-line expression:
wl expression tn; expr_1 ; expr_2 ;...;end
--> here, expr_1,expr_2...... may once again include any nested condinational
--> Example:
wl a<10 tn;a=a+1;pt(a);end
--> a = 20
wl a<20 tn;a=a+1;end
above example doesn't return or do anything
Function: 1] syntax: normal function: *) fn function_name (function_parameter(s)) -> function body/expressions
anonymous function:
*) variable_name = fn (function_parameter(s)) -> function body/expressions
multiline function with or without return:
fn function_name(function_parameter(s));fn_line1;fn_line2;....;ret value/variable;end
fn mul(a,b);c=a*b;ret c;end;
2] example:
*) fn mul(a,b) -> a^b
*) add = fn (a,b,c)->a+b+c
--> passing less/more arguments than required gives error
--> If constant(s) is/are used inside function body/expressions it will going to take constant value
Ex: co A = 10
my_fun = fn (a,b,c)->a+b+c+A
--> scope of variables used inside function is bonded inside function only.
--> If undifined variable/constants are used inside function body/expressions, function
will be created but, function call results in error
Ex: my_fun = fn (a,b,c)->a+b+c+A
--> Assigning of function to a Constant results in error
Ex: co A=10
A = fn (a,b,c)->a+b+c results in error
--> Passing constants as arguments to function results in error
Ex: co A = 20
my_fun = fn (A,b,c)->A+b+c results in error
--> One function variable can be assigned to another variable
Ex: a=my_fun
--> by using ret, multiple values can be returned by returning list.
fn my_fun2(a,b,c);d=a+b;e=b+c;f=[d,e];ret f;end
value is equal to [10,14]
String: 1] syntax: "string" 2] string concatenation: "string" + "string" 3] string multiplication: "string" * value 4] string assignment: variable_name = "string" 5] string can be used inside function body/expressions
6] string indexing:
character of a string at any index can be obtained by string.index_no
Ex: my_string = "dvr_lang"
my_srting.2 will return 'r'
my_srting.3 will return '_'
my_srting.6 will return 'n' ......etc
7] string formatting :
\n - new line
\t - 1 tab space
\" - double quote
\\ - back slash
List: 1] syntax: a = [list elements sep by comma] ex: a=[1,2,3,4] 2] Accessing elements: obtained by list_name.index_no Ex: a=[1.1,2,3.5,4] a.0 = 1.1 a.1 = 2 a.2 = 3.5............etc This will only return the element specified by it's index supports negative indexing.
3] element poping from list:
syntax: pop(list_name,index_no)
Ex: a=[1,2,3,4,5]
pop(a,3) returns 4
and a will be assigned to [1,2,3,5]
returns and removes the element specified by it's index
4] deleting elements of list:
list_name - index_no
a-2 will make a=[1,2,4] and returns a
5] extending element(s) to list:
--> adding single element:
1] list_name + value_to_append
Ex: a=[1,2,3,4]
now a is equal to [1,2,3,4,5] and it returns it.
--> extending elements of a list to another list:
syntax: list_name_1 + list_name_2
These 2 methods will return and assign the newly created list.
--> extend(list_name_1,list_name_2)
will extend the elements but doesn't return anything.
break,continue statement: fr i=1 to 10 tn;if i==2 tn;con;end;pt(i);if i==7 tn;brk;end;end; will going print: 1 3 4 5 6 7
syntax: brk -- break
con -- continue
return statement: syntax: ret value
can be used inside function
function may call other function or nested function call.
pi = 3.141592653589793 is a inbuilt constant value.
--> 1. pt() use to print something on console Ex: pt("hai")
2. ptr()
if assigned to variable/constant, it returns
else prints on console.
Ex: a = ptr("hai")
3. inp()
use to get any input
Ex: a=inp()
4. inpi()
use to get only integer value
Ex: a=inpi()
5. len()
to find length of list
Ex: a=[1,2,3,4]
6. to check the type use
Ex: a=[1,2,3,4]
IS_LT(a) gives 1 i.e True
'nt' ,
--> program can be written in "any_file_name.txt" format by following the above all syntax --> No any indentation has to be followed
--> SYNTAX ------
Ex: run("my_program.txt")
[txt is a file extension for a text file, used by a variety of text editors.]
--> program files can be imported in another file by including run("file_name.txt") at the brginning.
------------------------here are some examples---------------------------------------------------
no need to follow identation, but if followed better to read.
here are some useful functions
1. function to find even/odd number
fn even_odd(a) if a%2 == 0 tn pt("Number is even") el pt("Number is odd") end end
2. function to find factorial of a number
fn factorial(a) res = 1
fr i=a to 1 sp -1 tn
res = res * i
ret res
#this above function can also be written like this in 1 line, but not good method #fn factorial(a);res = 1;fr i=a to 1 sp -1 tn;res = res * i;end;ret res;end
3. function to print fibonacci series
fn fibonacci(a) x=0;y=1;pt(x);pt(y) fr i=2 to a-1 tn z=x+y;pt(z) x=y;y=z end end
4. function to check prime number
fn is_prime(n) f=0 m=n/2 fr i=2 to m tn if n%i==0 tn pt("number is not prime") f=1 brk end end if f==0 tn pt("number is prime") end end
--> in order to import one file in other file: for example, let one file name be "one.txt" and other file name be "two.txt"
in "two.txt" file the other file can be imported by writing
than we can directly access the functions in one.txt
--> while writing program file, make sure to end any loops or conditional statements using 'end' keyward
--> contibute for the functions or collections of function file called 'module' module creators, each function name should contain module_name at the beggining followed by function name. Ex: fn math_lcm_of_2(n1,n2) i=1 fr i=1 to i<=n1 ad i<=n2 tn if n1%i==0 ad n2%i==0 tn gcd=i end end lcm = (n1*n2)/gcd pt("LCM is : ");pt(lcm) end
So that it won't collides the functiona and remains unique.